Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Saturday Night Live

Across the Street from: 
The dA Gallery Center For The Arts
A time of wonders and excitement hung in the night's air while walking down a street of Down Town Pomona. Galleries after galleries lighted up their store to lure customers and viewers as invitation to gaze upon the unique beauty of different art works displayed.
<< Entrance to The dA Gallery

There were even snacks served: crackers with different kind of cheese, with complementary plump purple grapes and fancy wines.
January 30, 2010, on a Saturday night was very nippy and windy in Down Town Pomona. It was a fun night to spent it in the cold with my friends walking to different galleries to discover and experience many creative styles of art. The first Gallery was the dA Gallery, they were featuring the New Traditionalists.

 << Window to the dA Gallery. New Traditionalists

The dA Gallery, had many creative and beautiful paintings that made me revisit the painting over and over.
Many of these paintings made me wonder if there is a
deeper meaning behind them.       >> Band Set up at the dA Gallery
 The New Traditionalists are artists that were inspired by older traditional artists arts and ideas. Many new artists in the dA gallery base their work of arts on landscape, people, animals, abstract and mortality. These ideas can be recognize from older paintings. But the way many of these arts are painted are New. Walking into this gallery its over obvious its not like old master pieces instead these new paintings is full of bright colors and everyday objects placed into a painting to make the painting look more 3-dimensional.


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